Saturday, January 9, 2010

Welcome to Big Ass Exercising

Every year I hear the same ole thing. " New Year New Life!" . Bullshit. New life for a few weeks or months then it's right back to the same ole shit different day! Every year I say I'm going to keep the house cleaner, eat less, exercise more, have more patience with the kids. By mid Feb the house is a mess, I'm eating everything in sight, sitting on my big ass screaming at the kids. Sigh. So I decided why change my yearly ritual.

2010 is a NEW YEAR NEW LIFE. Not really. I really just want to lose some weight. So this blog is a way to keep track of doing that. Here's what I've done so far in achieving that goal.

1. Decided to do something.

2. Googled how to do something.

3. Joined Jillian (Her skinny ass plastered all over everything makes me want to eat. Just sayin')

4. Looked for and decided aganist a weight loss buddy. Last thing I need is somebody hounding my ass about what I'm not doing.

5. Filled out the paper work to join the YMCA.

6. Decided I'm actually going to take that paper work back and join tomorrow.

7. Weighed my self. OMG. Really. Can those scales be right?

8. Decided aganist announcing my weight for the world to see.

9. Started this blog. ( Who would have thought there was already a blog named Bye Bye Fat Ass.)

10. Set a goal of 70lbs. Then decided I needed a shorter goal to keep me semi motivated. So my first goal is 41lbs. Then thought "hell how long will it take me to do that?". So I set an even shorter goal of 2lbs a week. So each week is fail or pass for me. I'm going to weigh in each Friday. So I have until Friday to lose 2lbs. See sounds better than I gotta lose 70 lbs. Just saying that makes me wanna eat.

Tomorrow I'm going to weigh myself on the YMCA scales for a more accurate weight. My cheap ole dusty scales aren't real accurate. I hope.

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